Wednesday was Veterans Day in America.  It's a federal holiday for the purpose of honoring military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
As a non-vet member of the first Rotary club established by veterans to honor veterans, I want to take a moment to express a word of appreciation.  This week our nation honors those who have served.  Many of you are numbered among our honored few.  Some of you continue to serve.  Many others never made it home but left behind grieving parents, siblings, spouses, children, and other loved ones and friends.
Perhaps the most visual support I, and other Americans, can provide is to stand.  To stand in honor of our veterans - to stand in honor of those who have served under our flag.  Please watch this short video clip:
Thank you veterans for your dedication, service, and sacrifice.
Mark Shockey
Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans Member
